In Khelo India Youth Games in Pune, Harayana and Maharashtra dominated in Boxing today. Harayana bagged 8 Gold, Maharashtra 5, Manipur 2, Karnataka, Punjab, Chandigarh, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh one each.

In Tennis, Maharashtra won 2 gold and Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, and Gujarat, one each. In Kabaddi Under-17 final, Haryana Girls won the Gold beating Chandigarh 40-29. But in the finals of Under-21 Haryana girls were defeated by Himachal Pradesh 27-30.

In Volleyball Under-21, Girls from Tamil Nadu and Kerala enter finals, scheduled for tomorrow. In Basketball, Punjab boys and girls Under 17 enter finals. Punjab Boys will meet Rajasthan and Girls will face Talmi Nadu tomorrow.