Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley today said the Government has not taken any punitive action against Congress leaders so far. In a Facebook post on National Herald controversy, Mr Jaitley said, the Enforcement Directorate has not issued any notice to them. He said, the Criminal Court, meanwhile, has taken cognizance of the offence and Delhi High Court has agreed with the Trial Court.
The Minister said, the battle has to be fought legally but the Congress being uncertain of the results of legal battles is crying foul and calling it a political vendetta. He said, the Congress leaders used tax-exempted income for non-exempted purpose.
Mr Jaitley said, the Income Tax authorities will follow their own procedure. He said, government has passed no order in relation to the disputed transactions. The Finance Minister said there is equality before law and no one is above law. He asked Congress leaders to fight case legally. He said the government cannot help them in the National Herald case nor can Parliament and there is no point in disturbing Parliament and preventing legislative activity.
A trial Court in Delhi, on 8th of this month, had directed Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi and other accused in National Herald case to appear in person on 19th of this month. BJP leader Subramanian Swamy had filed a criminal case against Gandhis and others for alleged cheating and misappropriation of funds in acquiring ownership of now-defunct daily National Herald.