France has mobilised 1 lakh 15 thousands security personnel in the wake of Friday’s Paris attacks by Islamist militants. Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve has said that 128 more raids on suspected militants were carried out. French air strikes also hit Islamic State in Syria overnight. IS has said it carried out the attacks on bars, restaurants, a concert hall and a stadium in which 129 people died.

A huge manhunt is under way for one of the suspects, Salah Abdeslam. He is believed to have fled across the border to his native Belgium. Belgian police have released more pictures of the wanted man. Belgium’s government has raised its terror threat level because of the failure so far to arrest Abdeslam.

France President Francois Hollande has called for a global coalition to eradicate the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant group following the deadly attacks in Paris. The appeal comes as French fighter jets continue raids aimed at ISIL targets in its stronghold of Raqqa in Syria. A spokesperson for France’s military command told that the warplanes struck a command centre and a recruitment centre for fighters in Raqqa on Tuesday.

Speaking to members of the French parliament at the Palace of Versailles yesterday evening, Hollande also said he wanted to extend the state of emergency for three months and would meet US President Barack Obama and Russia’s Vladimir Putin to unite our forces to achieve a result that has taken too long.

According to reports, two women and a man were detained on suspicion of ties to the multiple terrorist attacks last weekend. German authorities today detained three suspects in the city of Alsdorf who allegedly participated in terrorist attacks in Paris November 13th, Aachener Nachtrichten reported citing local police.