The fifth accused in the Udaipur’s tailor Kanhaiya Lal murder case was produced before the Special Court in Jaipur which remanded him to NIA custody till July 12. Mohd Mohsin was arrested by NIA for his alleged role in recce. Four accused including two main assailants Riyaz and Gaus Mohammed, and two others Mohsin Khan and Asif for their alleged role in conspiracy and recce are already under 10-day NIA remand.
Kanhaiya Lal tailor was allegedly beheaded by the two main assailants at his shop in Dhanmandi area of Udaipur on the afternoon of June 28. Both the accused Riyaz and Gaus were arrested from Bhim in Rajsamand district by the state police on the same day.
Meanwhile after a week of the horrific murder case that took place in Udaipur, now life is slowly getting back on track in the city. Curfew was relaxed for 14 hours yesterday, during which market, school and other activities remained normal. Heavy police forces are still deployed in the city. This incident has caused great damage to the tourism industry in Udaipur and its surrounding areas. About 80 percent of bookings of the hotels have been canceled in the city. Thousands of people have suffered due to the shutdown of internet services for almost a week.