Rs. 30 crore in 3 years to empower Panchayats!
NEW DELHI: (AMN) The Ministry of Panchayati Raj has provided mere Rs. 30 crore to 17 States under the Panchayat Empowerment & Accountability Incentive Scheme (PEAIS) during the last three…
The Real Voice of India
NEW DELHI: (AMN) The Ministry of Panchayati Raj has provided mere Rs. 30 crore to 17 States under the Panchayat Empowerment & Accountability Incentive Scheme (PEAIS) during the last three…
NEW DELHI (AMN): The Ministry of Rural Development has released grant in aid worth Rs. 4200,00,000 crore as part payment of Ist installment of Phase-VI, for construction of rural roads…
JAIPUR: Rural women in the state are being denied basic maternal and childcare facilities as nearly two thirds of the first referral units (FRU) are not functioning. An assessment by…
PATNA: Bureaucratic indifference, lack of information on the part of target beneficiaries of the housing scheme and legal impediments, together have combined to create huge rural "houselessness" or housing shortage…