A two-day meeting of BJP’s National Executive began in Bhubaneswar today. All party bigwigs, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, BJP President Amit Shah, LK Advani and Murali Manohar Joshi, are participating in the party’s highest policy making body conclave. Home Minister Rajnath Singh, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley and several other Union ministers will also take part in the deliberations, besides Chief Ministers of all BJP-ruled states.
Briefing MEDIA senior party leader Ravi Shankar Prasad said, BJP has win three-fourth majority in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand Assembly elections. He said, the Uttar Pradesh results are rejection of the politics of casteism and nepotism. He added that people have trusted the politics of development.
Quoting party president Amit Shah, Mr Prasad said, Narendra Modi is the most popular public leader of the country.
On the issue of questioning EVMs, Mr. Prasad said opposition leaders find an excuse for their defeat.
Mr Prasad said, party President, Amit Shah, will undertake an extensive nationwide tour of 95 days till September this year. He said, BJP will become a pan-India party, winning Karnataka and Himachal Pradesh.
The Prime Minister landed in Bhubaneswar this afternoon in an Indian Air Force special aircraft Rajhans. Defying the security cordon the Prime Minister even got off his vehicle a couple of times, walked up to people, greeted them and even shook hands with some of them. He also offered floral tributes to freedom fighters and illustrious sons of the soil on his way to the Raj Bhavan.
BJP sources say, party’s Mission 2019 will get its final shape at the two-day conclave. They said, the meeting will also discuss to ensure that benefits of all the schemes and policies of the Central government reach to grassroot level. They said, top leadership is likely to give a call for pushing the party’s expansion in the new territories like Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Tripura, Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
In the backdrop of the overwhelming electoral success in the last panchayat polls and with eyes set on 2019 twin elections, there is likely to be a separate session to prepare blueprint dealing with Odisha at the conclave. Adding momentum to the party’s surge in the State, the BJP president Amit Shah, yesterday made a strong pitch for the ‘Odisha focus’ future polls to check the ruling BJD to bounce back in 2019 Assembly election.
Earlier Briefing media, Union Minister of state for Petroleum and Natural Gas Dharmendra Pradhan said, Odisha will be the Prime Minister’s laboratory for testing of several welfare schemes targeted at the economically weaker sections.
Sources also said along with other resolutions in the meeting, the BJP will deal with upcoming polls in seven states scheduled for 2018. The state BJP has mobilized around one lakh people, at least 50 each from all the organizational units across the state, to greet Prime Minister Narendra Modi when he arrives at Bhubaneswar this afternoon.