NEW DELHI: Parliamentary Affairs Minister Mr. P.K. Bansal alleged that the BJP is disrupting the two Houses on the directions of RSS. He again ruled out JPC probe into 2G spectrum allocation and other corruption cases saying that the demand is politically motivated. Talking to media he dismissed reports about adjourning the Houses sine die in the wake of stalemate between the Government and the opposition on the issue. Mr Pranab Mukherjee  also held a meeting  with UPA allies in the wake of continued stand off in the two Houses of parliament. Mr  Mukherjee said later that government has renewned its appeal to the opposition not to press for JPC and allow two Houses to function.

The NCP leader Mr. Sharad Pawar told reporters that all partners in the UPA are one with the government on opposing the JPC demand. the Lok Sabha Speaker Mrs. Meira Kumar has convened an all party meeting tomorrow in a bid to break the logjam on the issue in parliament.

With no solution yet in sight to  end the stanoff between the  government and the opposition  over the demand  for a  JPC probe  into 2 g spectrum ,  the fourth week  of the winter session of parliament  also  began with  an unrelenting  opposition  stalling the proceedings in both houses over  . The two houses were first adjourned till noon and then for the day .This has been the case  for  the last three weeks . While  the opposition  is refusing to budge  on its demand for JPC, the  government   is not willing to accept it , though it is ready for a debate  on the issue. Two rounds of  meeting  with leaders of all political parties and  contact separately with the  opposition leaders  by  the leader of  the House in Lok sabha have failed to  resolve the impasse . Now all hopes  are hinged  on the  all party meeting convened  by the Lok Sabha Speaker tomorrow .The question  is  what is the way out with both sides  sticking to their stands.