AMN / New Delhi

All India Muslim Personal Law Board presented its position on the Waqf Amendment Bill before Joint Parliament Committee on Thursday. The delegation of All India Muslim Personal Law Board was led by Maulana Khalid Saifullah Rahmani, President of the Board.

The delegation included General Secretary Board Maulana Muhammad Fazl-e-Rahim Mujadadi, Legal Committee Assistant Convener and Member of the Board Senior Advocate Mr. MR Shamshad, Member of the Board Professor Dr. Muhammad Saud Alam Qasmi and Member of the Board and Spokesman Dr. Syed Qasim Rasool Ilyas.  

All JPC members were present on this occasion. President Board highlighted in detail the Shariah status and history of Waqf. Maulana while introducing the All India Muslim Personal Law Board said that the Board is a united platform of the Muslims of India, in which all the important religious and All parties, all mosques, all important religious madrasahs, scholars and intellectuals of the nation are represented.

Professor Muhammad Saud Alam Qasmi also discussed the Shariah status of waqf.  After that, Mr. MR Shamshad, Senior Advocate, made a detailed statement on the flaws and defects of the Waqf Amendment Bill from a legal point of view.

Maulana Muhammad Fazl-ur-Rahim Mujjadi and Dr. Qasim Rasool Ilyas also participated in this conversation. Later, some members of the JPC asked explanatory questions, which were answered in detail by the members of the delegation.

Earlier, a 211-page memorandum based on the Board’s detailed review of the Waqf Amendment Bill and the Board’s objections to it was also submitted, copies of which were provided to the JPC members ahead of time. Some members of the Committee highly praised the Board’s draft and said that the best Waqf Amendment Bill has come before us so far, it answers all the questions regarding the Waqf Amendment Bill. Earlier, in an informal meeting on August 24, the board chairman has submitted a brief to the committee. For the questions raised by the members of the board and the chairman committee, the board was asked to submit its answers within 15 days of receiving the written questions. In the end, the chairman committee thanked the members of the delegation. On behalf of the Board, General Secretary Board Maulana Muhammad Fazlul Rahim Sahib thanked the Chairman JPC and all the committee members for listening to our words with a big smile on their foreheads. The meeting lasted for about two and a half hours.