All preparations are being made for the swearing-in of ruling AIADMK General Secretary VK Sasikala as Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu but a date in this regard is yet to be announced. The Centenary Auditorium of the University of Madras at its Marina Campus is being spruced up for the event that may happen after the return of Governor Vidyasagar Rao to Chennai.
Mr Rao is currently in Mumbai as he is the Governor of Maharashtra also. He has already accepted the resignation of State Chief Minister O Panneerselvam and has asked him and his council of ministers to continue to discharge their duties till an alternate arrangement is
After her election as the AIADMK Legislature Party leader on Sunday, Ms Sasikala is yet to stake claim to form the Government, as Governor has to arrive. The administration has drafted the invitations in which the date and timing is to be inserted and the venue is also almost readied.
However, clarity is yet to emerge on the timing of her swearing in, that would be the second in almost as many months since former chief minister Jayalalithaa’s demise.