India has said desired results have been obtained and the intended message has been conveyed to the terror forces through the surgical strikes carried out by the Indian Army. Answering a media query in New Delhi, External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Vikas Swarup said, the counter-terrorism operation conducted on 29th of the last month was to neutralize an imminent threat of terrorists ready to be launched from across the LoC.
When asked about providing video evidence of surgical strikes, Mr Swarup said, whatever Government puts or not in public domain is determined solely by national security. On Pakistan’s denial on surgical strikes, Mr Swarup said, truth comes out no matter how hard one tries to conceal it. He said it is usual to see Pakistan’s reaction of denial of terrorism sponsored from its soil against its neighbours. The spokesperson said, elimination of Osama Bin Laden and Mullah Mansoor was met with similar denials but everyone knows the truth.
Replying to a question, whether National Security Advisors of India and Pakistan had communicated after Indian Army conducted the surgical strikes, Mr Swarup said, India is committed not to make public the content of talks between India and Pakistan NSAs.
Asked about Most Favoured Nation (MFN) status to Pakistan, the spokesperson said, the government will take a review on the matter based on security and trade situation. He said, promoting shared prosperity with India’s neighbours has been government’s priority but terrorism cannot be the commodity exported.
On Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s remarks on the killing of a terrorist in Jammu and Kashmir, Mr Swarup said, the neighbouring country has once again implicated itself.