Senior BJP Leader and Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad has lambasted Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal for his remarks on Surgical strikes carried out by Indian forces across the LoC.
He said that this is a matter of national interest and should not be politicised.
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal yesterday “salutes” Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his response to Uri attack. In a 2-minute 52-second video released online, Kejriwal said, “I may have a hundred differences with the Prime Minister but I salute him for the will he has shown in this matter (surgical strikes on Pakistan).”
But he also pointed out how Pakistan is denying the surgical strike carried out by the Indian Army on September 29 and asking international media to report the same. To clarify matters, the Delhi CM urged Modi, “unmask the false propaganda of Pakistan”.
In a series of tweets, he asked the Centre to “counter” Pakistan’s claims and also asked people not to believe Pakistan’s reports on the surgical strike.
As soon Kejriwal tweeted the video, #AKBackModiOnPak, a hashtag he used with the video, started trending on Twitter but in no time another hashtag started doing the rounds, #KejriwalDoubtsIndianArmy.
Twitterati interpreted the video as Kejriwal’s “smart move” of asking Modi to prove the strike did happen. Here’s how they reacted.