Karnataka government has suspended another senior police official in connection with the alleged assault and stripping of a Tanzanian woman student in Bengaluru. Police commissioner NS Megharikh said that Assistant Commissioner of Police AN Pise of Yeshwanthpur division has been suspended for dereliction of duty.

With this, total six policemen including an ACP, an inspector and four constables have been suspended in this connection. Nine people have been arrested in connection with the incident in which the 21-year old Tanzanian student faced mob fury after a Sudanese driving a car in an alleged drunken state struck a couple, killing a woman on the spot.

On a mission to build confidence among African students, the Tanzanian envoy had backed the steps taken by the government in connection with the incident on last Sunday.

Meanwhile, over 200 African students staged a rally over the incident at Town Hall in Bengaluru yesterday.