A Mumbai court has extended the judicial custody of Indrani Mukerjea, her former husband Sanjeev Khanna and driver Shyam Rai in the Sheena Bora murder case. Their custody has been extended till 31st October. None of the accused was produced in court today.
Meanwhile, Indrani Mukherjea’s driver Shyamvar Rai today moved an application saying he wanted to reveal some “truth” to the court. The court is expected to issue a production warrant in his name soon.
24-year-old Sheena was allegedly strangled in a car; her body was later burnt and dumped at a forest in Raigad, about 84 kms from Mumbai. The case came to light in August this year with the initial arrest of Indrani Mukerjea, the prime accused in the case. After prolonged interrogation, the trio has been in judicial custody since 7th of September.