The court asked the investigating agency to complete the procedure by September 25. Technically Nupur has been granted bail but she would have to spend time in jail till September 25. Nupur Talwar was taken into custody April 30. She challenged the May 31 Allahabad High Court order rejecting her bail plea.
She is lodged in Dasna jail in Ghaziabad. Rajesh Talwar is out on bail. Aarushi, 14, was found murdered at her parents’ Noida residence May 16, 2008. The body of her domestic help Hemraj was found the next day on the terrace of the house.
A CBI trial court in Ghaziabad has charged the Talwars under sections 302/34 (murder with common intention) and 201 (destruction of evidence with common intention) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). In addition to these, the court charged Rajesh Talwar under section 203 (giving false information in respect of an offence committed) of the IPC.