BJP today criticized the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) for misleading the people of Delhi over the bail issue of Former Deputy CM Manish Sisodia, who is accused in the alleged liquor policy scam. Addressing a press conference in New Delhi, BJP Spokesperson Gaurav Bhatia, said that AAP is misrepresenting the order of the court which is contempt of court.

Mr Bhatia’s remarks came after Delhi’s ruling Aam Aadmi Party yesterday claimed that the court has stated in its order that there is ‘no evidence’ to substantiate or corroborate the alleged corruption. Mr Bhatia added that the court has clearly said in bail order that Manish Sisodia is the mastermind behind the liquor policy conspiracy. He said that the Kejriwal-led government is full of scams and they should apologize to the court and to the people of Delhi.

Mr Sisodia was arrested by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) and Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in the ongoing investigation of a case related to alleged irregularities in the framing and implementation of the now-scrapped excise policy in Delhi. The CBI arrested Sisodia on February 26 this year.  Later on March 9, the ED arrested him, after hours of questioning at Tihar Jail.       

Earlier, AAP leader Atishi demanded that the BJP tender an apology to it for levelling allegations against the party in connection with the excise policy case after the court granted bail to two accused in the matter.