Chief Electoral Officer, Nagaland, V Shashank Shekhar has expressed confidence on the overall preparation of the entire state election machineries, and that it will be conducted in a smooth and free and fair election. Mr Shekhar said, several rounds of training for district election officers, returning officers, polling parties, EVM nodal officers have been conducted, while Electronic Voting Machines were dispatched to the respective districts and stored in strong rooms.

He also apprised that the election office is constantly in touch with different stakeholders and holding meeting with political parties as well with the enforcement agencies, police and administrative machinery.
Mentioning some unique features of the upcoming election, Mr Shekhar informed that many village councils have voluntarily come forward and passed resolutions for a free and fair election whereby the village councils have decided not to accept any inducement or indulge in any kind of electoral malpractice. These villages are Nihokhu in Niuland district, K.Basa and Thizama village in Kohima, while some from Wokha district.

The CEO assured that despite some of the polling booths located geographically remote, it is the endeavour of the entire election machineries to reach out to eligible voters who desire to vote.

On the facilities provided to seniors citizens and Persons with Disabilities during the election, he said the Commission and the entire election machinery is very sensitive to the needs of the senior citizens and Persons with Disabilities. He said under the Commission’s supervision, basic facilities like water, toilets, and ramps for disabled person are made available in all polling booths. In addition, wheelchairs will be provided as required, while volunteers will also be available to assist PWDs voters to come to vote.