Union Minister for Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution Ashwini Kumar Choubey on Tuesday graced the Rozgar Mela held at Assam Rifles complex in Aizawl, Mizoram. Mr. Choubey, who is on a tour to the state, also distributed appointment letters to 79 newly recruited youths in 23 Sector, Assam Rifles. The program was followed by the screening of the distribution of appointment letters by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi virtually.
On this occasion, Shri Choubey said that the Youth Power is Nation Power because the power of the Nation lies on the youth. He added that during the rule of the Modi government, job opportunities for women have greatly increased, which manifests the non-partisan policy of the present Government.
Later, chairing two review meetings with the forest & environment and consumer affairs and food & civil supply departments in Aizawl, he asserted the development priorities of the NDA government towards the North East region.
The Union Minister said Prime Minister Narendra Modi gives utmost importance to accelerated growth and development in the region including Mizoram. Shri Choubey said Mizoram, which has the largest forest cover, has a huge prospect for eco-tourism.