

Bangladesh-born Fahmida Azim working for the Insider online magazine of United States has been selected for the 2022 Pulitzer prize under the category of Illustrated Reporting and Commentary. She is among the four journalists including Anthony Del Col, Josh Adams and Walt Hickey of Insider being published from New York, selected for their work on the Chinese oppression of the Uyghurs. The work ‘I escaped a Chinese internment Camp’ has illustrations by Fahmida Azim.

The citation for the award said that they have been selected for the prize for using graphic reportage and the comics medium to tell a powerful yet intimate story of the Chinese oppression of the Uyghurs, making the issue accessible to a wider public. Fahmida Azim was born in Bangladesh and now settled in the US. She is an illustrator and story teller. Her work centers on themes of identity, culture and autonomy.

Her art works have been seen in several international journals like the NPR, Glamour, Scientific American, The Intercept, Vice, The New York Times among others. She has illustrated a number of books including her own notable project ‘Muslim Women Are Everything’.