Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the three-day Global Ayush Investment and Innovation Summit in Gandhinagar, Gujrat on 20th of this month. The summit will witness participation of industry leaders, academicians, and scholars to deliberate on ways to promote traditional medicines and systems.

One of the aims of the summit is to attract lucrative investments to build India as the Global Ayush Destination in the world. In recent years, India has seen enormous investments due to the absence of Foreign Direct Investments restrictions. The Ayush Ministry wants to go ahead with this momentum and utilize the platform to initiate target-oriented initiatives to enable the recognition and growth of traditional systems of medicine. The ground-breaking ceremony for the WHO Centre for Traditional Medicine will also take place on 19th of this month, in Jamnagar, Gujarat. This centre will emerge as an international hub of global wellness taking traditional medicine systems of the world to new heights.

Expressing his views on the event announcements, Ayush Minister Sarbananda Sonowal said that the present market size of the Ayush sector has grown by 17 percent per annum from 2014 to 2020 and the government hopes to build the success of the sector through these flagship events and initiatives.