In a big of respite to the civic body of Mumbai no Corona case reported from Dharavi area which is Asia’s biggest slum. Considered to be a hotspot during the early days of the pandemic, Dharavi reported zero case on Wednesday. The Dharavi model implemented in the expanded densely populated slums is being appreciated all over the world. In the first wave, the number of patients in Dharavi dropped to zero six times.

Then in the second wave of corona after mid-February, the number of corona patients increased rapidly even touching to 70 to 80 cases per day. However, due to effective measures taken by the BMC, conditions improved, with the slum registering no case on Wednesday. Earlier on 14th and 15th of this month too, no cases were registered from the slum area. Meanwhile, the civic body is preparing itself for the possible third wave.

Additional Commissioner Suresh Kakani has instructed the health administration to be especially vigilant. BMC is ensuring that beds at various hospitals, jumbo covid treatment centers as well as corona care centers are well equipped. Separate wards for children are also being set up in all hospitals and medical colleges as well as Jumbo Centers to ensure that there is no shortfall in treatment for the children.