Anand TeltumbdeDalit scholar Anand Teltumbde has been arrested by Pune Police at Mumbai airport Friday for his alleged links with the banned CPI-Maoist in the Bhima Koregaon case. A special court in Pune had rejected his anticipatory bail application yesterday.

Additional Sessions Judge Kishor Vadane had observed that an investigating officer has collected sufficient material to show the involvement of Teltumbde in the case.

According to police, Maoists had supported the Elgar Parishad conclave held in Pune on December 31, 2017, and the inflammatory speeches there led to violent clashes at the Koregaon Bhima war memorial the next day.

The People’s Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) condemned the arrest stating it is a violation of SC order. “The SC order gives him interim protection for four weeks. Even if the sessions court rejected his bail application, he had time until February 11 to approach the High Court,” said advocate Lara Jesani.

On Friday, while rejecting Teltumbde’s anticipatory bail plea, special judge K D Vadane had passed an order stating that there was sufficient material collected by the investigating officer to show his involvement in the alleged commission of offence.

The order also stated that investigation was at a very crucial stage. “It appears that custodial interrogation of accused is necessary … Therefore, the accused is not entitled to be released on anticipatory bail. Hence, anticipatory bail application deserves to be rejected,” the order had stated.