Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Monday said, the allegation levelled against the government on the Rafale aircraft deal is a perception battle and the Centre will fight this.
She said, the Centre will go to places and put facts on record related to the deal.
Ms Sitharaman also alleged that Congress is running a smear campaign against the government at an International level.
Meanwhile, BJP has accused Congress President Rahul Gandhi of hatching a conspiracy to get the deal scrapped, defame the country and lower the morale of Indian Air Force.
In a Press conference, the Party leader and Union Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat alleged that during UPA rule, the deal did not materialize as a private company linked to UPA Chairperson’s son- in- law, Robert Vadra was not chosen as a broker.
He said, in fact, the present Rafale deal is almost 20 per cent cheaper than the deal in UPA government.
Home Minister Rajnath Singh said in Lucknow that Opposition does not have any issue left so it is raking up non-issues like Rafale deal. He was talking to reporter.