The August Kranti Diwas is also being celebrated in Andhra Pradesh. The Quit India Movement launched by Mahatma Gandhi to fight out British Rule in India, spread to all the states and provinces across the country. In Andhra Pradesh, the freedom tremors penetrated into every nook and corner. The Provincial Congress Committee had issued a circular popularly known as the Kurnool Circular as the Police seized the copy, when they raided Kurnool Congress Office. The Kurnool Circular envisaged a big movement thereby paralyzing all means of communications and machinery and administrations. Prominent leaders who took part in the movement included Pattabhi Sitaramaiah, A. Kaleswara Rao, T. Prakasam, Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy.

It was exactly on August 12th, 1942, the Tenali Town Hall observed a complete Hartal as a protest against the arrest of the Congress leaders. The crowd tried all means of protest . It was exactly on the same day, a procession of 500 students in Chirala marched to the Court of Sub Magistrate and asked him to close the court.

Again on August 13th, 1942, a crowd of 2,000, mostly students, gathered in front of the Hindu college, Guntur and organized protest. Police opened fire and several were wounded and two persons died. It was on 12th night, attempts were made to cut the telephone wires between Dowleswaram and Rajahmundry by the agitators. Several leaders were taken into custody and were awarded eighteen months rigorous imprisonment each.

The agitations were also spread to Palakole, Lankalakoderu, Bhimavaram and Vendra, Nellore and Kavali in Andhra Pradesh. Several processions in the streets were organized in the streets of Nellore town. The struggle continued till first half of September. The only Mantra of the time was ‘DO OR DIE,’ the call given by Mahatma Gandhi.