Energy Minister Peter Kapala of Zambia said yesterday, December 2, that government will start rationing electricity supply to domestic consumers from the 15th of December following a big drop in water levels in lake Kariba.

Mr. Kapala told that water levels in the lake have dropped to 4.1 percent of usable storage for the Kariba North Bank Power Station in Zambia and the Kariba South Bank on the Zimbabwean side of the lake. He said, the low water level situation in lake Kariba threatens the power generation from both the Kariba North Bank Hydropower station and Kariba South Bank Hydropower station.

Water levels in the lake have fallen due to reduced inflows from the Zambezi river and its tributaries and heavy use by power generation companies in Zambia and Zimbabwe. According to reports, Hydropower contributes more than 75 percent of Zambia’s power generation.