yoga UNThe United Nations Headquarters in New York has projected the image of a yoga posture on the eve of the second International Day of Yoga on June 21. The image projected onto the UN building shows a woman doing the ‘Parvatasana’ or the ‘inverted V’ posture. The words ‘International Day of Yoga’ are projected below the image.

India’s Permanent Mission to the UN in association with the UN Department of Public Information will commemorate the day at the world body’s headquarters. The event will be attended by General Assembly President Morgens Lykketoft, Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information Cristina Gallach and Isha Foundation founder and spiritual leader Jaggi Sadhguru, who will lead a simple Yoga practice.

India’s Ambassador to the UN Syed Akbaruddin said a huge and diverse turnout is expected at the Yoga Day gathering at the UN Secretariat Circle, with participants from 100 nationalities having registered for the event so far. In December 2014, the UN General Assembly had adopted a resolution with a record number of 177 co-sponsoring member states to establish the International Day of Yoga to be commentated every year on June 21.