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tallest cowThe world’s tallest cow ever who stood at over 6 feet 2 inches has died in the US after sustaining an irreparable leg injury says Guinness World Records.

The 13-year-old female Holstein stood at a staggering 74.8 inches and was first recognised as the tallest cow living after Guinness World Records visited Blosom and her owner in Orangeville, Illinois, earlier this year.
Guinness World Records paid an emotional farewell and tribute to the adorable Blosom, who sadly passed away recently but will live on in the record books as the world’s tallest cow ever.
Having owned Blosom since she was eight weeks old, the cow’s continued growth led to Patty’s father suggesting Blosom’s height should be checked out by Guinness World Records. Following confirmation that she had indeed set a new world record for Tallest cow living, Guinness World Records sent a film crew and photographer over to the US. Sadly Patty’s father passed away before the record was officially allocated to Blosom.

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