84 killed in terror attack at Nice in France...
84 killed in terror attack at Nice in France…

World leaders have expressed dismay, sadness and solidarity with France over the attack carried out by a man who drove truck into crowds of people celebrating France’s national day in Nice, killing at least 84 people.

US President Barack Obama condemning the incident said it appears to be a horrific terrorist attack and our thoughts and prayers are with the families and other loved-ones of those killed.

Both the US presidential candidates also condemned the attacks. Democrat Hillary Clinton vowed, that civil society will not be intimidated due to this attack and every American stands in strong solidarity with the people of France. Republican Donald Trump declared that “this is war”.

Russian President Vladimir Putin says he has been shocked by the violence and exceptional cynicism. In a message of condolences to French President Francois Hollande he said that terrorism can be defeated only if all civilized mankind pulls efforts together to fight militants, their leaders as well as targeting their financial backers wherever they are hiding.

India President Pranab Mukherjee expressing shock at the news condemned the deadly attack. He said, India stands shoulder to shoulder with the people and Government of France as it responds to this attack.

Mr. Mukherjee said the Government will strengthen its cooperation with France and other countries in the fight against terrorism.

Condemning the deadly attack, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said he is appalled by the horrific act. Mr. Modi said his thoughts are with the families of deceased and India shares the pain and stands firmly with France in this hour of immense sadness.

European Council president Donald Tusk expressed consternation that France was attacked on its national day and said the world stands united with the French people.

Japan has also expressed its anger following the attack. It said that it is shocking.