NEW DELHI: (AMN)  Pushing the ball in BJP court, senior Congress leader Digvijaya Singh on Sunday asked Lal Krishan Advani and other senior leader as why they called ATS chief Hement Karkare as Deshdrohi or traitor while he was opening up Malegaon blast case. He also asked why they met prime minister when non -Muslim terrorists were arrested.  

He said that he had never questioned involvement of Pakistani elements in 26/11 Mumbai strike. 

"Advaniji, Ravishankarji and Rajnath Singh should first answer as to why they had called Hemant Karkare ji a traitor? They should answer as to why Advaniji led a delegation to the Prime Minister in support of Pragya Thakur and Dayanand Pandey," Digvijaya Singh told NDTV. 

It may be recalled that a delegation led by Advani met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and the then National security advisor M K Naraynan when Sadhvi Pragya was arrested in Malegaon and other blast cases.  

Digvijaya Singh had said on Friday that Karkare’s life was under threat as he took on Hindu radical groups over their alleged role in the Malegaon blasts. 

Singh had said Friday that about two hours before the attacks in Mumbai started, Karkare had told him over phone that he was worried by threats from people annoyed by his investigations in the Malegaon blasts. 

However Karkare’s wife Kavita had slammed his statement, saying that political parties should stop playing politics around the sacrifice of martyrs. She said that no hindu terrorist were involved in her husband death and he was killed by Pakistani terrorists. 

The BJP has termed Singh comment as "irresponsible" and said terrorists behind the 26/11 Mumbai attacks would "lap on the statement". The Congress saw it as a personal conversation between Singh and Karkare and party leader Janardhan Dwivedi said the party had nothing to say on it. 

Meanwhile a senior Congress leader Anil Shastri  suggested that the phone call between party general secretary Digvijay Singh and slain Maharashtra ATS chief Hemant Karkare must be "probed" for the sake of national security. "It is necessary for national security to probe telecom between Digvijay Singh and Karkare even though latter was killed by Pakistani terrorists," Shastri posted his view twitter.