Tuesday countered the opposition charging it with jumping the gun and asserted “we will come out clean on it”.

“How can you lap up whatever the opposition says or alleges. Why does it (BJP) not say anything against (former Gujarat minister) Amit Shah and (Karnataka chief minister) BS Yeddyurappa whose names are involved in corruption charges. Let the enquiry take its own course and we will come out clean,” she said on the sidelines of a Women’s Car Rally.

Following the arrest of Mr Kalmadi for alleged irregularities in the granting of contracts for works related to the October 2010 sporting event, the Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) on Monday said that Kalmadi’s arrest is just “the tip of the iceberg” and stringent action must be taken against Delhi government which is also involved in the bungling of the Games. In fact, senior BJP leader and general secretary, Mr Vijay Goel, went a step ahead asking for Mrs Dikshit’s resignation owning moral responsibility.

However, the chief minister today maintained that there are institutions like the Enforcement Directorate, the judiciary and the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and one should “let them do their work and complete the enquiry”.

Replying to a question, the CM said her government will respond to the Shunglu Committee report, which enquired into the games related corruption cases, within 30 days. But this type of mudslinging before the enquiry is not good at all.

The Shunglu probe committee had pointed a finger at Dikshit and Lt-Governor Tejinder Khanna for delay in preparation of infrastructure for the Games.
Meanwhile,  Mr  Kalmadi started his day on Tuesday with the newspapers in the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) lockup where he spent the last  night.
Arrested Monday for alleged financial irregularities in the granting of contracts for the October 2010 sporting event, the Pune MP stayed at the CBI lockup at the CGO complex in Lodhi Road in central Delhi.
According to the official, Kalmadi did not ask for anything but a newspaper. “He started the day reading the newspaper,” the official said.
Mr Kalmadi was arrested after nearly daylong questioning by the CBI at its headquarters here for alleged criminal conspiracy and overspending of public money in holding the Oct 3-14 Games last year. He was charged with the” conspiracy to favour” a Swiss firm.