CM Anandi Ben Patel appeal for calm


AHMEDABAD: Supporters of Hardik Patel, the emrging leaders of Patel community, went on rampage after police detained their young leaders and caned them. Less than an hour after he was detained by the Police, Hardik Patel, was released but damage had been done.

Around 8 PM the police lathi-charged a large crowd at the venue where Mr Patel had earlier led a mega-rally. Mediapersons were injured in the indiscriminate action and equipment was damaged.

As news of Mr Patel’s detention spread, cases of arson were reported, allegedly by enraged supporters in different part of the city. Several buses have been torched. violence has spread in different part of the state. Police stations and vehicles have also been attacked.

Patidars took to streets and pelted buses and public property with stones in various parts of Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Rajkot and some other parts of the state. Reports of pitched battles being fought between the police and protesters started pouring in as soon as the news about the detention of 22-year-old convener of the Patidar Anamat (Reservation) Andolan Samiti spread. The samiti organised a massive rally earlier in the day.
Houses of some “Patel” ministers in their respective constituencies were also allegedly attacked by mobs. Protesters tried to torch the house of Gujarat Minister of State for Home Rajni Patel in Mehsana, the police said, adding that the fire did not cause much damage.
Hardik was arrested after he launched an indefinite fast at the venue of the rally, the sprawling GMDC grounds in the posh western Ahmedabad, insisting that the agitation would continue till Chief Minister Anandiben Patel personally come to the venue to accept their memorandum.
Mr Patel has emerged as the powerful face of a huge campaign demanding reservation in government jobs and colleges for his caste, the affluent and influential Patels or Patedars. Lakhs of them gathered to listen to the Commerce graduate today who issued a clear warning to the ruling BJP in Gujarat.

“In the next (Gujarat) election in 2017, the lotus (BJP symbol) will not bloom if our needs are not met,” he said at the packed public ground, around which nearly 20,000 security personnel were posted.

The Patels have for decades been loyal supporters of the BJP. Chief Minister Anandiben has said they cannot be added to the list of castes entitled to quotas because Gujarat has hit the cap of 50 per cent reservation ordered by the Supreme Court.


Meanwhile Gujarat Chief Minister Anandiben Patel on Tuesday night expressed regret over the crackdown by police on agitating members of Patel community at GMDC ground here which led to detention of their leader Hardik Patel, and announced an inquiry into the incidents.

In her public message, Patel stated that she expressed regret over today’s incidents and that her government will set up an inquiry to find out the truth behind them. She also said that necessary action will be taken against those found guilty in the inquiry.