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In her brief remarks at the beginning of the second strategic dialogue between the two countries here, Ms. Clinton said that homeland security was a high priority and a source of increasing partnership. She held wide ranging consultations with her Indian counterpart S.M. Krishna here

Hillary Clinton said, it has been made clear to Pakistan that confronting violent extremism of all sorts is in its interest. She said, terrorists should not be given safe haven or a free pass by any government, because left unchecked the consequences of that kind of terrorist activity or intimidation can become very difficult to manage and control.

Ms Clinton was addressing a joint press conference with her Indian Counterpart S. M. Krishna after the second round of Indo-US Strategic Dialogue here .

She pointed out that the issue of homeland security and counter-terrorism was given a special emphasis and added that both sides are exploring ways to protect the two countries from the scourge of terrorism.

Secretary Clinton offered her prayers and sympathies to the victims of the despicable attacks in Mumbai on 13th of this month and offered support to India’s efforts to bring the perpetrators of these terrible crimes to justice. Referring to the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks, She said, the US had made it very clear that there is an absolute international responsibility to cooperate to bring the perpetrators to justice.

She said, the US has made that equally forcefully clear to Pakistan that it has a special obligation to do so transparently, fully and urgently. She was replying to a query about Pakistan failing to bring to justice the perpetrators of the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks, raising questions on US’ claim of pressurizing Pakistan on India-directed terror issue.

Maintaining that the US was encouraged by the discussions between India and Pakistan, Clinton said, this is the most promising approach to encourage both sides to build more confidence between them and work to implement the kinds of steps that will demonstrate the improved atmosphere that is so necessary for us to deal with the underlying problem of terrorism. According to a joint statement after the meeting, both Mr Krishna and Clinton underscored the importance of elimination of terrorist sanctuaries in Pakistan for regional stability and security and for Pakistan’s future.

In reply to a question Ms Clinton said, there is a great deal of cooperation between the US and India with respect to counter-terrorism not only sharing of information but also very clear operational discussions, planning and investigation. She said, lot of the terrorist networks that threaten India also threaten the United States and so this is a mutually cooperative and essential operational relationship and in the meantime, the two countries are going to increase the cooperation in this area.

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