The United States and North Korea have failed to reach a formal deal at the Hanoi Summit. Talking to MEDIA after the summit, US President Donald Trump said, the talks ended with no agreement after he refused North Korean demand to lift all international sanctions.

Trump said, “Basically they wanted the sanctions lifted in their entirety. And we couldn’t do that. They were willing to denuke a large portion of the areas we wanted. But we couldn’t give up all of the sanctions for that. So we continue to work and we’ll see. But we had to walk away from that particular suggestion. We had to walk away from that.”

Trump said he and Kim have different visions at the moment but he hopes to bridge the gap.

He explained that Kim was willing to dismantle nuclear facilities in Nyongbyon but in return wanted sanctions lifted — which would have been too much. He added the North has to give up more.

He said once that happens, it will be easy to inspect the North’s nuclear facilities because they already know where the sites are.

Trump also said Kim promised him the North will not resume weapons testing and he takes Kim at his word on that.

The president said there is no current plan for another summit with Kim.

President Trump is on his way back home.
Kim is scheduled to remain in Vietnam for a couple of days.

Earlier, the White House in a statement said, Mr. Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un discussed various ways to advance denuclearisation and economic driven concepts, and the respective teams look forward to meeting in the future.

No joint communique was issued, despite high expectations beforehand for progress.

The two-day meeting in the Vietnamese capital Hanoi had come eight months after their historic summit in Singapore in June last year.