“US and the West must stop their blind support to Israel in its continued occupation of Palestinian territories” said Syed Shahabuddin, President of AIMMM. He also said that the western policy-makers must exercise their power and influence to secure the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people and for the creation of a fully sovereign Palestinian state.

Refraining from passing a judgment on Osama Bin Laden killing, the  AIMMM however reminded the US that judged from repeated statements, ‘his basic grievances against the US and the West related to the stationing of foreign forces in the Arabian Peninsula and America’s blind support to Israel against the Palestinian people’.

The AIMMM recalls that the USA justified its invasion of Afghanistan on the alleged refusal of the Taliban government to hand over Osama to the American authorities. “With his death, there is no justification for the US and allied forces to operate in Afghanistan and add to the misery and the destitution of the Afghan people. The AIMMM, therefore, calls upon all the foreign forces to withdraw from Afghanistan and permit its people freely to decide their future and rebuild their war-ravaged country”.

It felt that it is these two factors which have generated distrust, hostility and hatred towards the US and the West generally in the Arab & Muslim world which extends to the whole of the developing world who reject neo-imperialist occupation and neo-colonial exploitation of their non-renewable natural resources.

The AIMMM said that it was time for the USA to re-write its policy of political & economic hegemony and vacate its military bases  on foreign soil and develop a more balanced and co-operative economic relationship.