The United States has backed India’s bid to join the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG). Washington said that by becoming the member of the elite grouping New Delhi will be in a stronger position to be what it termed as a “good citizen” on proliferation- related issues.

Deputy National Security Advisor Benjamin Rhodes told Washington audience that the US has gone down the path of the civil nuclear agreement with India, and have invested a significant amount of time in building up their cooperation with India as it relates to nuclear security.

Japan has also strongly supported India’s bid for the membership of the NSG and said it was working with the Indian government to garner support from other countries ahead of the bloc’s crucial plenary meeting.

Switzerland, a key member of the NSG had yesterday said it will support India’s application after Modi held talks with the Swiss President.

India’s application is expected to be taken up for discussion by the NSG at its plenary meetings on Thursday in Vienna and 24th of this month in Seoul. China has been opposing India’s bid arguing that it was not a signatory of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

The NSG works under the principle of unanimity and even one country’s vote against India will scuttle its bid.