New Delhi/ Washington

Hafiz SaeedUnited States has expressed concern over the release of LeT and JuD chief and mastermind of Mumbai terror attack Hafiz Saeed, It demanded his rearrest by the Pakistan government.

‘’LeT is a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization responsible for the death of hundreds of innocent civilians in terrorist attacks, including a number of American citizens. The Pakistani government should make sure that he is arrested and charged for his crimes,’’ the US State Department said.

India had also yesterday expressed anger over the move of Pakistani authorities and said the release of Saeed had once again confirmed the lack of seriousness on the part of Pakistani government in bringing perpetrators of terror to justice.

“It appears to be an attempt by the Pakistani system to mainstream proscribed terrorists. Pakistan has not changed its policy of shielding and supporting non-state actors and its true face is visible for all to see,” External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Raveesh Kumar had said.

On Wednesday, a judicial body in Pakistan ordered the release of the 26/11 attack mastermind from house arrest, citing “insufficient evidence.”

In May 2008, the United States Department of the Treasury designated Saeed as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist under Executive Order 13224.

Saeed was also individually designated by the United Nations under UNSCR 1267 in December 2008 following the November 2008 Mumbai attack in which 166 people, including six American citizens, were killed.

LeT and several of its front organizations, leaders, and operatives remain under both State Department and Treasury Department sanctions.

Since 2012, the United States has offered a 10 million‎ dollar reward for information that brings Saeed to justice.