At least 30 children lost their lives due to alleged shortage of oxigen at Gorakhpur’s Baba Raghav Das Medical College in last 48 hours. Gorakhpur is parlimentry constituency of chief minister Adityanath. Earlier, on August 9, UP Chief Minister had gone to the hospital for inspection during his Gorkhpur visit. 

According to reports, the Medical College had to pay Rs 70 Lakh to a company which provide oxygen cylinder to the hospital. But the money was not paid to the company. The oxygen supply was allegedly stopped, resulting in the tragic incident.

According to reports out of 30, 17 children died in the neo-natal ward, 5 in AES (acute encephalitis syndrome) ward and 8 in the general ward.

The incident put a big question mark on the state BJP government as the hospital is in chief minister Yogi Adityanath’s constituency and he even visited the hospital just two days ago to review its functioning. But despite his visit, no adequate majors were taken to ensure the safety of children.

gorakhpur death

The state govt has blamed the hospital for the negligence and said a thorough probe has been ordered into the incident. Meanwhile, district officials have reached the hospital to investigate the matter.

A total number of 60 deaths have occurred in the past 5 days: Baba Raghav Das Medical College and HospitalAccording to

  1. मृतकों के परिजनों को लाश देकर भगा दिया गया, मृतक का पोस्टमार्टम तक नहीं हुआ है, भर्ती कार्ड भी गायब कर दिया गया है । अत्यन्त दुखद ।

  2. गोरखपुर मे आक्सीजन की कमी से बच्चों की दर्दनाक मौत , सरकार ज़िम्मेदार।कठोर कार्यवाही हो, 20-20 लाख का मुआवज़ा दे सरकार ।


    Since the medical college officials told us that there was alternative oxygen supply, therefore the charge of lack of oxygen supply can be ruled out,” Gorakhpur District Magistrate Rajeev Rautela told reporters.

    He said alternative arrangements had been made from neighbouring Sant Kabir Nagar district to ensure availability of liquid oxygen for the hospital. Asked if the firm supplying oxygen had stopped oxygen supply due to delay in payments, he said part payment had been made to the company for supply of oxygen to the hospital.