While Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav asked the centre to immediately ban the exhibition of the film “Innocence of Muslims”, J & K Chief Minister Omar Abdullah said that he has taken up the matter with the Government of India to “ensure perpetrators of such acts are brought to justice”.

In a letter to Prime Minister, Akhilesh sought a ban on the exhibition of the film or its trailers specially on internet. He said that the film was hurting the sentiments of the Muslim community.

Earlier, a delegation of Muslims, led by Maulana Khalid Rasheed Mahli, met the chief minister and sought a ban on the film. Yadav told the cleric that the state government would do everything to ensure that the film was not exhibited.

In Kashmir the State Cabinet on Wednesday while condemning the blasphemous act termed the production of the outrageous movie an attempt aimed at hurting people’s sentiments and disturbing peace.

Chief Minister Omar Abdullah who chaired the meeting said Government has done everything possible to condemn it and has taken up the matter with the Government of India to “ensure perpetrators of such acts are brought to justice”.

Situation in Kashmir Valley has been restive after it came to fore that clippings of the film, “The Innocence of Muslims” were available on the internet.

The Chief Minister appealed people to maintain calm and not to get provoked as people behind such anti-social and anti-human acts want to disturb peace.

In the Valley-wide protests were seen from various religious groups, students and workers against the blasphemous production during last week.

People expressed their anger against the US and its ally Israel by chanting slogans against these countries and burning their flags.