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un-meetUnited Nations Security Council (UNSC) has passed a resolution imposing new sanctions on North Korea for its continued intercontinental ballistic missile testing and violations of UN resolutions. The UNSC unanimously approved tough new sanctions last night including a ban on coal and other exports worth over 1 billion dollars.

The measures would be the seventh set of UN sanctions imposed on North Korea since it first carried out a nuclear test in 2006. The resolution prevents North Korea from increasing the number of workers it sends abroad. It also prohibits all new joint ventures with North Korea, bans new investment in the current joint companies and adds nine North Korean officials and four entities including North Korea’s main foreign exchange bank to the UN sanctions blacklist.

Meanwhile China has called for a halt to the deployment of the US Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) an anti-missile defense system in South Korea. China’s UN Ambassador Liu Jieyi told UNSC that the deployment of the THAAD system will not bring a solution to the issue of North Korea’s nuclear testing and missile launches. He told this to the council after it imposed new sanctions on North Korea. Mr. Liu also urged North Korea to cease taking actions that might further escalate tensions.