British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to make a fourth bid to force an early General Election on 12th of December by tabling another bill in Parliament today. Earlier, a similar attempt was rejected by MPs following the European Union’s further extension to the Brexit deadline until January 31.

With his pledge to leave the EU by the October 31 deadline now dead, Johnson has set his hopes for getting his snap poll bill through the Commons threshold. His latest attempt may just succeed after the Opposition Labour Party said it would back an early election in December.

After three failed attempts previously, Johnson’s chances seem slightly higher this time as he requires only a simple majority of MPs to back him, as opposed to the two-thirds majority under the UK Fixed Term Parliaments Act.

However, the Liberal Democrats still maintain that they do not trust Johnson’s word and that he could still try and sneak through his Brexit Bill despite his commitment, making a new vote for a December 12 election still not a guarantee.