AMN / web desk

Theresa MayConservatives in Britain have reached an agreement with the Democratic Unionists which will see them support Theresa May’s minority government.

The deal, which comes two weeks after the election resulted in a hung Parliament, will see the 10 Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) MPs back the Tories in key Commons votes. There will be one billion pound extra for Northern Ireland over the next two years.

DUP leader Arlene Foster said the wide-ranging agreement was good for Northern Ireland and for the UK. The DUP said it would apply for the lifetime of the Parliament, scheduled to last five years, but would also be reviewed at the end of the current session in two years time.

As part of the deal, the treatment of military veterans in Northern Ireland will be improved while the triple lock guarantee of 2.5 per cent spending on pensions, and existing universal winter fuel payments, will be maintained throughout the UK.

Mrs May shook hands with DUP leader as she and other senior party figures arrived at Downing Street today to finalise the pact.