SUSHMA 3External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj opened the new chancery complex of the Indian High Commission in Dhaka today on the last day of her Bangladesh visit.

Mrs. Swaraj lit a candle to mark the opening of the huge complex at Dhaka’s Baridhara diplomatic enclave while the High Commission was previously operating from a house in Gulshan area of the city. During the ceremony, she also inaugurated 15 development projects of Bangladesh being funded by India.

Speaking on the occassion Mrs. Swaraj said India’s ties with Bangladesh has reached an all-time high, and the relationship has gone beyond a strategic partnership bordering on fraternal and familial ties.

She said in India’ policy of ‘Neighbours First’, it is Bangladesh which occupies the foremost position and much of the credit for the excellent bilateral relationship goes to the Prime Ministers of both countries.

Mrs. Swaraj also said the 15 projects covering priority infrastructure in health, education, water and social welfare with an outlay of 71.64 crore takas will be completed within a period of one month.

Talking about people to people contacts, Mrs. Swaraj expressed great satisfaction at the eased visa regime which has allowed easier flow of people between the two countries. The Minister said Indian High Commission,, issues the largest number of visas compared to any other Indian Mission abroad, and is all set to issue over 14 lakh visas in the current year.

Bangladesh Foreign Minister A H Mahmood Ali, Health Minister Mohamad Nasim, and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s political affairs adviser H T Imam among others joined the ceremony.

Mrs. Swaraj will return to New Delhi later today wrapping up her Dhaka visit, the second since assuming office in 2014.[icon name=”align-justify” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]