The Appellate Division on April 5 dismissed the petition of Yunus seeking leave to file regular appeal against the High Court order that rejected his writ petition against a Bangladesh Bank decision.

Soon after pronouncement of the Appellate Division decision, a petition for Yunus was submitted before it seeking recall of its (AD) `unsigned’ order.
The AD also dismissed an identical petition filed by nine of 12 directors of Grameen Bank seeking leave to file regular appeal against the High Court order.

“Both the leave petitions are dismissed,” said Chief Justice ABM Khairul Haque, who presided over the seven-member bench of the Appellate Division, as the court pronounced the decision after three days of hearing on the plea of Yunus for recalling its order and also the petition of the nine directors seeking leave to file regular appeal against the High Court order.

Earlier on March 8, a two-member High Court bench comprising Justice Momtazuddin Ahmed and Justice Gobinda Chandra Thakur after three days of hearing rejected Professor Yunus and nine directors’ writ petitions that challenged the Bangladesh Bank letter relieving Yunus of the post of Grameen Bank Managing Director.

The following day two separate provisional leave petitions for Professor Yunus and nine directors were moved before the chamber judge of the Appellate Division seeking stay of the High Court order as well as the operation of the Bangladesh Bank letter.

But, the chamber judge, on hearing, referred both the petitions to the regular bench of the Appellate Division without giving any decision.
Counsels of Professor Yunus sought adjournment while the petition was placed for hearing before the regular bench, saying they were yet to collect the certified copy of the High Court order.

Later, two petitions for Yunus and nine directors seeking leave was filed on the advice of the Appellate Division.
After a full-day hearing on the leave petition, the Appellate Division headed by the Chief Justice on April 5 dismissed the petition of Yunus, but the petition of nine directors was not heard at that time.

However, the petitions seeking leave filed by nine directors and that of Yunus for recalling of the Appellate Division order were heard simultaneously.
Dr Kamal Hossain, Mahmudul Islam and Rokanuddin Mahmud pleaded for Professor Yunus, while Sarah Hossain submitted for the nine directors. On the other side Attorney General Mahbubey Alam stood for the State while Toufiq Newez appeared for Bangladesh Bank.