Spain has warned that it will suspend the Catalonia’s autonomy as final deadline for to drop secession bid has passed. Catalonia’s leader Carles Puigdemont was given until 10:00 local time (08:00 GMT) to clarify his position.

After a referendum on 1 October, he signed an independence declaration but then suspended it, asking for dialogue.Reports suggest he will press ahead on independence if Madrid moves to take direct control.
There are fears that this may lead to civil unrest in Catalonia.

Article 155 of Spain’s 1978 constitution, which cemented democratic rule after the death of dictator General Franco three years earlier, allows Madrid to impose direct rule in a crisis but it has never been invoked.

In the lead-up to the deadline, there have been mass protests over the detention of two leaders of the separatist movement.

Political leaders in Madrid and Barcelona have been engaged in a tense stand-off since the disputed referendum, which Catalan leaders say resulted in a “Yes” vote for independence but which the central government regards as illegal.

Madrid’s position
Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy set the deadline for Mr Puigdemont to offer a definitive answer on the independence question, and called on him to “act sensibly”.