Saudi Arabia is ready to join any ground operation of the US-led coalition against the Islamic State group in Syria .A general from the kingdom Brigadier General Ahmed al-Assiri said,if there is any willingness in the coalition to go in the ground operation, Saudi Arabia will contribute positively in that.

Since late 2014 Saudi Arabia has been part of a US-led coalition which officially has 65 members and has been bombing the Islamic State’s Sunni extremist group which seized large parts of Syria and Iraq.

Assiri is spokesman for a separate Saudi-led Arab coalition which, since March, has conducted air strikes and ground operations in Yemen.That coalition supports the government there in its fight against Huthi rebels who seized much of the country and are backed by the kingdom’s regional rival Iran.

Iran is also one of the main allies of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, whose regime has been fighting an insurgency for about five years. Saudi Arabia supports more moderate rebels against Assad’s forces.