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A day after US President offered to mediate in the Gulf crisis, the four leading Arab States of UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Egypt reiterated their earlier stand that any dialogue with Qatar cannot be preceded by any condition.

A joint statement by the official news agency of UAE while commended the US President on his stance stated that “ Dialogue on the implementation of the demands should not be preceded by any other condition. The statement said, setting pre condition for dialogue confirms Qatar’s lack of seriousness in dialogue.

The joint statement also said that ‘military option has not been and will not be considered under any circumstances”. Shutting down of the Al Jazeera Channel based in Qatar , downgrading diplomatic ties with Iran, closing down the Turkish military base, severing ties with all terrorist organizations are some of the demands made by the Arab countries on Doha.

Qatar had earlier said that the demands made by the boycotting Arab powers are neither ‘reasonable nor actionable’. The Quartet led by Saudi Arabia had severed all diplomatic ties with Qatar on 5th June 2017 accusing it of funding terrorism and creating instability in the region. Doha denies the charges.