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Russia has said, it is deploying its most hi-tech air defense system to its base in Syria. The announcement came following the downing of a Russian fighter jet by the Turkish Air Force, that caused the death of one pilot while the other one was rescued. Russia said, it is sending S-400 anti-aircraft missiles to Latakia to protect its air group operating in northwestern Syria.

Russia is dropping bombs at Islamic State targets in Syria but these are mainly in different parts of the country from where the United States and coalition planes are flying. Russia and the US-led coalition have agreed on a set of guidelines aimed at ensuring that pilots stay out of each other’s way.

Meanwhile, Washington has imposed sanctions on the supporters of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government, including a middleman, it alleged, buys oil for the regime from the Islamic State group. Acting under secretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, Adam Szubin announced the sanctions in a statement.

He said, the Syrian government is responsible for widespread brutality and violence against its own people. He said, the US will continue targeting the finances of all those enabling Assad to continue inflicting violence on the Syrian people.