Rajasthan has been ranked sixth in Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion’s Report on “Assessment of State Implementation of Business Reforms” released on Monday.

The State has been recognized in ‘Aspiring Leaders Category’, with a number of investor and industry-friendly policy reforms being implemented recently.

Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje said on the occasion that improving the ease of doing business directly accelerates job creation for youth.

She said, the Rajasthan model of development aims at vigorously pursuing but balancing social justice, effective governance, and job creation.

She said ‎ Central government’s ease of doing business model is a wonderful synthesis of this balance and consistent with our vision that industrial development is a means to an end.

Rajasthan has successfully implemented 61% of the 98-point action plan proposed by DIPP to assess and rank states in terms of ease of doing business.

Across the various parameters defined by DIPP, the State has ranked third in country for complying with environment procedures, and for registering and complying with tax procedures and fourth for allotting land and providing construction permits. Rajasthan has also been ranked amongst the top five states in the country for ease of setting up businesses and for carrying out inspections.