President Droupadi Murmu inaugurated the digital house of the Gujarat Assembly today. Addressing the legislators after the launch of the National e-Vidhan Application (NeVA) project, the President said the ‘One Nation One Application’ will bring speed and transparency to the working of the house. She said the technology will help the public representatives to better raise the local issues faced by the citizens in their local constituency.  

The President said after digitization, the house can also adopt the best practices of the other houses. Extending her warm wishes for this historic initiative, the President also underscored the need to enhance the political representation of women in the House.

The President also appreciated the contribution of Gujarat in various fields including energy, start-ups, education, and the environment. The President also congratulated Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel who completed two years in the office today.

Addressing the occasion, Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel called this achievement a historic moment for the Gujarat Assembly. He said the state government has undertaken various initiatives to strengthen the digital infrastructure in the state which has brought efficiency and transparency in the governance.

Speaker of the Assembly Shankar Chaudhary said two tablets have been given to each MLA for digital use. Later, the President will virtually launch the Ayushman Bhav nationwide campaign of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare from the Raj Bhavan in Gandhinagar today.