The US always considered Pakistan as a time-tested ally in its global war against terrorism but this trust is there no more.Top Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) on record saying “it is inconceivable that Pakistan leadership is totally unaware that their Enemy No 1 was living in a mansion a walking distance from the Military Academy. Both Pakistan and the United States have been breathing fire and brimstone ever since President Obama made the midnight announcement about the death of Osama from the White House.


Pakistan which was on the defensive initially went on the offensive. Pakistan Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir warned “Any other country that would ever act on assumption that it has the right to unilateralism of any sort will find, as far as Pakistan is concerned, that it has made a basic mistake. We see a lot of bravado in our region…that sort of misadventure or miscalculation will result in a catastrophe”.

This is in response to President Obama angry statement saying that the US would carry out special operations like the Abbottabad raid again to target high profile terrorists, if Pakistan failed to act on its own. White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said the Obama administration would continue with this policy it that Country does not act against terror suspects holed up in the Country.

“We will continue to seek and bring to justice terrorists who are plotting to harm Americans and our allies” Now Pakistan has to fight on two fronts- U S and India. Pakistan Corps Commanders Conference in Rawalpindi said the Generals have taken “serious note of assertions by the Indian military leadership about conducting similar operations.” “Any misadventure of this kind will be responded to very strongly. There should be no doubt about it”.

The reaction comes day after India Army Chief Gen V K Singh and Air Chief Marshal P V Naik said in New Delhi was capable of hitting targets hold up in Pakistan cities. Elements within India Establishment and political forces are giving irresponsible statements to derail the peace process that Manmohan Singh initiated with Pakistan.” On Wednesday, Army Chief warned Pakistan that the Indian armed forces were capable of carrying out surgical operations against terrorists similar to the one conducted by the U S in Pakistan.

“All three wings (army, navy and air force) are capable of carrying out such operations when needed. But we need permission from top for this. Gen Singh went to say “U S commandos carried out the operation only after directions from the US President. We can also think of such attacks eliminate terrorists from this part of the world’. There is no doubt that our armed forces can carry out such a daredevil operation.  In this well-planned, well-executed venture, the US strike can get away with it because it is a trans-Atlantic power and Pakistan can do nothing about it. As far as India is concerned, it is the proximity that could be a deterrent.  Pakistan could strike within minutes and this could lead full-blown war between the neighbours. More than anything else, both India and Pakistan are nuclear powers. Can India take a chance on this?