Making a statement in the Lok Sabha, Dr Singh said: “I have no hesitation in repeating what I said in Jammu. Obviously, there was an error of judgement. I accept full responsibility for it.”

He said that the Supreme Court has quashed the appointment of Mr Thomas on public interest litigation and assured the House that government will adhere to the guidelines and directions given by the Apex Court in the appointment of the next CVC.

In his statement, Dr Singh said, “we accept and respect the verdict” of the Supreme Court and that the government would take into consideration the guidelines/directions given by the court while appointing a new CVC.

He noted that the meeting of the committee comprising the Prime Minister, the Home Minister and Leader of the Opposition to choose the CVC took place on 3rd September last year and recommended the name of Thomas for the post.

The Prime Minister gave the House the details of the appointment of Mr Thomas and made it clear that the Leader of the Opposition Ms Sushma Swaraj had given a dissenting note.

The Opposition members were not satisfied with PM statement. Leader of the Opposition Swaraj said she was “surprised” that the Prime Minister had not said even what he had stated in Jammu about owning up responsibility for the CVC appointment.

“I was expecting you to repeat at least what you said in Jammu,” she said. Left parties were not satisfied by the Prime Minister’s contention that it was an “error of judgement”. Basudeb Acharia (CPI-M) wanted to know how it happened. Finally, the Left members staged a walkout.